WESWAG is a lifestyle pet brand that wants to let your pets enjoy innovative technology. The pet industry has been lacking creative use of technology to improve the quality of lives of our faithful companions. We are enjoying better lives with modern tech. Our beloved animal soulmates should too!

Pet products we see in the market try to combine modern technology without considering how pets view the products. Fancy product designs are directed at the pet owners, not the pets. We believe that pet products should focus on adding value to the lives of pets without being obtrusive. They should also not benefit only the pet owners.

We love our animal companions and we felt that we could give them so much more through creating products made for them. They don’t care about what the product looks like, what features it has, or how easy it is to use. Pet just eat, play, sleep, and generally be adorable and laze around. WESWAG doesn’t make pet products. WESWAG is all about making products for pets.

Pet In-Lovation

When innovation meets our love for pets, WESWAG happens.

Let our faithful companions wag their tails and enjoy life with a swagger.

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